5 Nutrition Products as Athletes Head Back to School

by | Aug 13, 2024

In my last blog post, I provided a few back to school tips for fueling youth athletes. Read it here

One tip included stocking up on snacks and beverages to keep in the car to ensure you are hydrated and fueled. But what types of snacks are best to set you up for success?

As an athlete heading back to school, you need quick easy options as you rush out the door in the morning, snacks in-between classes and easy packaged foods to throw in your sports bag. I GOT YOU!

All of these products are great for athletes as they are heading back to school and back into a consistent routine. Each item serves a purpose for fueling athletes.

  1. Instant Oatmeal
  2. Chomps beef jerky
  3. Electrolyte packets
  4. Peanut Butter packets
  5. Trail mix

Let’s talk about each one!

Instant oatmeal:

Usually I would recommend old-fashioned oats with toppings of your choice, but there is a time and place for instant oatmeal. Especially if you have morning practice then heading right into class or need a mid-morning snack that is quick to make, instant oatmeal is a great option. You can pair this with a piece of fruit or peanut butter for added calories and flavor.

Beef Jerky:

It is difficult to find protein options that don’t require refrigeration or need a lot of prep. That’s where beef jerky comes in! Beef jerky is a high protein item that can be added to a meal or included as part of a snack. I prefer the Chomps brand due to the quality of the product and taste but there are many others out there that you can choose from. It is important to include protein sources throughout the day at all meals and snacks. This aids in muscle building, reduces muscle fatigue and a faster recovery from sport.

Electrolyte packets:

Even though we are heading into fall, the heat and humidity is still on the rise and extra electrolytes are needed during hot and intense practices. Nuun, MyHy, LMNT, Drip Drop all come in individual servings that you can keep in your locker or sports bag. With the distraction of school work, sometimes we forget to stay hydrated throughout the day. However, we never want to start practice or competition low on fuel or fluid. Adding flavor and electrolytes to beverages can make hydrating fun, exciting and a great reminder to continue drinking fluids before, during and after sport.

Peanut Butter packets:

These individual cups or pouches are great for snacking on the go.  The goal for snacking is to pair at least two of the three macronutrients. Peanut butter is a higher source of fat but also contains some protein. To maximize fueling, add a source of carbohydrates. Pair with crackers, a banana, or apple as a mess-free snack.

Trail mix

You can buy trail mix in bulk, in individual bags or you can make your own with your favorite ingredients. The combination of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit make it a nutrient dense snack that is high in calories and omega 3s. Adding in dried cereal such as rice chex or cheerios adds carbohydrates to boost energy levels.

When it comes to fueling for sport, a lot of planning and intention needs to take place. It is easy for student athletes to put nutrition on the back burner as they focus on their studies, mental health, and busy training schedules. Food is Fuel! Your body needs the proper calories and nutrients to perform you best in the classroom and on the field. Use these tips to help you make progress towards your goals and starting performing to your highest potential.

Need more tips and guidance? Check out my free download to help you navigate this season of transition! 

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