Back to School Tips for Youth Athletes

by | Jul 26, 2024

I can’t believe the summer is already coming to a close and fall sports have begun (or about to begin!). However, temps are hitting 100 here in the midwest, so, I don’t think fall is on the horizon any time soon. Summer was filled with vacation, two-a-day practices, balancing hanging out with friends and possibly your first job.  Even though you were busy, hopefully you still had time to relax and have fun but now it is time to start thinking about the upcoming school year. Your summer schedule is going to look VERY different than your school schedule. In the summer, the schedule was more flexible but now things are shifting.

Navigating fall sports schedules plus school can be confusing and chaotic.

I want you to be prepared to start school with a plan to fuel your performance and help you feel your best in competition.  The school year calls for early wake ups, school and evening competition. But then the schedule may change on the weekends. So what is the best way to prepare for the switch up in scheduling? 

With the schedule change comes challenges with nutrition and fueling for sport. More planning, organization and communication will be key during the transition. Time will be limited but your nutrition plan still needs to be intentional. When athletes don’t fuel properly for sport we see a decline in performance, energy levels, and increase risk of injury. You worked way too hard this summer to go into the season and not perform your best! 

Consistency in your training and with your meal plan is key. Consistency throughout the day and from day-to-day will ensure your muscles are rebuilding, bones staying strong, energy stores are filled. This means that waking up minutes before your alarm and rushing out the door, isn’t an option! Making time for each meal and snack will be crucial to those afternoon practices. Or if you are participating in morning training, thinking of what your post-workout meal will be after as you rush to your first class. 

This can seem overwhelming! Here are my top 3 tips for preparing your athlete to go back to school:

Write down their schedule. 

Make a general outline of the school days including start time, lunch time and end time. Then write down approximate times of practice or games. Understanding your new schedule will help with meal planning and ensuring you have the proper fuel for school and competition. 

Ensure you have the tools you need to help you succeed. 

This includes ice packs, thermos bag, storage containers, etc. Head to your pantry or storage area and take inventory of what you have and what you still need. Having the right tools in place already sets your athlete up for success when it comes to properly fueling. 

Stock up on beverages and snacks to keep in the car.

Keep your athlete fueled on the car ride home or in between practices and pick-ups. Shelf-stable items to keep on-hand are electrolyte packets, granola bars, bottled beverages, crackers, beef jerky, nuts and trail mix. Having energy dense snacks will help you 

Need more tips and guidance? Check out my free download, Fueling Youth Athletes: Back to School Guide, to help you navigate this season of transition

If you want even more guidance, check out my self-paced course, Fuel Your Performance Bootcamp! 

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