5 School Lunch Ideas for Youth Athletes

by | Aug 30, 2024

If you are tired of a deli turkey sandwich or pb&j, this blog is for you! 

Packing the same food for lunch every day can get boring and redundant. Having 3 to 5 go-to recipes for school lunches, make it easy to put on rotation and prevent burnout and laziness. 

For most teenages, deli or lunch meat is very common as it is easy to throw in the lunch bag and keep cool until meal time. However, some athletes don’t like deli meat or they are just looking for something new. Peanut butter and jelly is also a quick option when in a pinch but athletes can also get tired of these. 

I have a few suggestions when it comes to planning out lunches that follow the athlete’s plate:

A quick recap of the Athlete’s Plate: 

When it comes to planning out meals, there are three plates for athletes to follow. The easy training plate, moderate training plate and hard training plate. Depending on the season of sport you are in plus your performance goals will determine which plate you should follow. The moderate training plate is a great place to start for high school athletes. 

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The moderate plate consists of 1/4 protein then the remainder of grains and fruits and vegetables.  And don’t forget about hydration, fat and fun food! Following this recommendation will provide calories and nutrients for the remainder of the school day and afternoon competition. 

Moderate Athlete's Plate

5 recipes for school lunches 

  1. Chicken Salad 
    1. Wellness for the Win Chicken Salad Recipe
    2. Pair it with: Sourdough bread, cheese, cucumbers with hummus, apple, water, two chocolate chip cookies
  2. Tuna pouch 
    1. Starkist Tuna Lemon Pepper
    2. Pair it with: crackers, string cheese, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, chewy granola bar
  3. Breakfast sandwich 
    1. These molds make making a breakfast sandwich easy! 
    2. Pair it with: bagel, cheese, avocado, carrots, banana with peanut butter and 100% juice
  4. Snack Plate 
    1. Focus on protein such as beef jerky, protein bar, edamame 
    2. Pair it with: pretzels, guacamole packet with bell peppers, 2 cutie oranges, and a sports drink
  5. Chicken sausage 
    1. Although this item is precooked, it will need to be heated up prior to eating. 
    2. Pair it with: a bun, trail mix packet, yogurt and berries, roasted broccoli, and water. 

All of these lunch options are simple, easy and require little prep. Remember to match your meals to your current activity level and performance goals. If you are looking to gain weight/muscle, add high calorie options such as nuts, dried fruit and condiments. If you are in a season of high intensity practice and competition, include more carbohydrates like sports drinks, juices, cereals, crackers or pretzels. 

Prepare for the transition from summer schedules to school schedules 

One problem that I see as athletes head back to school is not eating enough during the day. This leads to large evening meals and difficulty feeling full and satisfied. If this sounds like you, then you need to evaluate what you are eating during the day. It is best to evenly distribute calories and macronutrients throughout the day across all meals and snacks. Having adequate calories at breakfast, lunch and snacks will prevent you from feeling like a bottomless pit in the evening. This is where having a solid lunch plan comes handy! Following the Moderate training plate and proper portion sizes, provides energy for afternoon practices and competition. 

The key to any successful fueling plan is planning ahead. Prepare for schedule changes, late nights, and rushed mornings. Having a well stocked pantry and go-to recipes will ensure your athlete is fueled for anything that comes their way!

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